Regulatory & Compliance
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Regulatory & Compliance

Keep Your Brand Compliant and Ready for Whatever Comes Next

On top of managing the marketing, sales, production, and delivery of products, you also need to navigate complex rules and regulations issued by federal and state-level agencies. Keeping a legal firm on retainer to stay compliant may not be an option or be the best use of your resources. So, how do beverage companies handle time-sensitive, multi-step processes like filing permits with the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) or navigating the U.S. Food & Drug Administration’s (FDA) latest labeling legislation while still managing their brand?

They turn to BevSource.

Access a highly experienced team of beverage compliance experts with one call

BevSource’s compliance team takes care of all the regulatory hassles so that our clients can focus on what’s important — growing their business. We ensure that you have the right licenses, permits, and registrations to be compliant with all federal and state laws.

Our clients receive direct access to seasoned professionals well-versed in:
  • Filing federal and state licenses & permits with the TTB
  • Submitting trademark applications
  • Commercial formula and label registration and approval
  • Filing state licenses, business and brand registrations, and renewals
  • Federal and state sales and excise tax reporting and audits

 Get Expert Guidance on FDA Beverage Regulations and TTB Compliance 

Our team can also offer guidance on assessing and minimizing regulatory and compliance risks with the federal agencies (TTB, FDA) and state-level authorities. BevSource’s compliance team works alongside beverage brands to stay compliant, even as their products and the regulatory environment evolve. 

Are you looking for a better way to keep the complexity and cost of beverage compliance under control? Let’s chat!

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